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Chondrex 價格更新

更新時間:2024-03-10      點(diǎn)擊次數(shù):239


ChondrexCNDX-7028anti-bovine HMGB1 IGG antibody3780
ChondrexCNDX-7047anti-bovine HMGB1 antibody, clone 1-37.10FH3780
ChondrexCNDX-70471anti-bovine HMGB1 antibody, clone 1-37.10FH, biotinylated3780
ChondrexCNDX-7064anti-bovine HMGB1 IgY antibody3780
ChondrexCNDX-7068anti-bovine NC1 of type IV collagen antibody, clone 4-37-13780
ChondrexCNDX-7069anti-bovine NC1 of type IV collagen antibody, clone 4-37-1, biotinylated4398.48
ChondrexCNDX-7116anti-type II collagen [CB10] antibody, clone C2B-143780
ChondrexCNDX-7110mouse anti-canine CRP IGG monoclonal antibody, clone 4D3C13780
ChondrexCNDX-7117mouse anti-cry j1 IGG1 monoclonal antibody, clone P1-83780
ChondrexCNDX-7113mouse anti-HDM IGG1 monoclonal antibody, clone 2G103780
ChondrexCNDX-7121mouse anti-HDM IGM monoclonal antibody, clone 3C4G13780
ChondrexCNDX-7115mouse anti-DNA IGM monoclonal antibody, clone 2H6G74398.48
ChondrexCNDX-7111mouse anti-feline SAA IGG monoclonal antibody, clone 8C6C103780
ChondrexCNDX-7030anti-HMGB1 peptide [166-176] antibody3780
ChondrexCNDX-7037anti-HMGB1 peptide [166-176] antibody, clone 1-1.2.11.P23780
ChondrexCNDX-70371anti-HMGB1 peptide [166-176] antibody, clone 1-1.2.11.P2, biotinylated4398.48
ChondrexCNDX-7029anti-HMGB1 peptide [2-11] antibody4398.48
ChondrexCNDX-7032anti-HMGB1 peptide [2-11] antibody, clone 1-1.2BP13780
ChondrexCNDX-70321anti-HMGB1 peptide [2-11] antibody, clone 1-1.2BP1, biotinylated4398.48
ChondrexCNDX-7033anti-HMGB1 peptide [2-11] antibody, clone 1-2.5AP4398.48
ChondrexCNDX-70331anti-HMGB1 peptide [2-11] antibody, clone 1-2.5AP, biotinylated3780
ChondrexCNDX-7034anti-HMGB1 peptide [2-11] antibody, clone 1-3.10EP13780
ChondrexCNDX-70341anti-HMGB1 peptide [2-11] antibody, clone 1-3.10EP1, biotinylated3780
ChondrexCNDX-7112mouse anti-HDM IGG2b monoclonal antibody, clone 3C4H24398.48
ChondrexCNDX-7070anti-human alpha 1 [IV] NC1 antibody, clone H114398.48
ChondrexCNDX-7071anti-human alpha 2 [IV] NC1 antibody, clone 223780
ChondrexCNDX-7075anti-human alpha 2 [IV] antibody, clone H253780
ChondrexCNDX-7076anti-human alpha 3 [IV] NC1 antibody, clone H314398.48
ChondrexCNDX-7073anti-human alpha 4 [IV] NC1 antibody, clone H433780
ChondrexCNDX-7078anti-human alpha 5 [IV] antibody, clone H533780
ChondrexCNDX-7077anti-human alpha 5 [IV] NC1 antibody, clone H524398.48
ChondrexCNDX-7074anti-human alpha 6 [IV] NC1 antibody, clone M633780
ChondrexCNDX-7118mouse anti-human CD63 IGG monoclonal antibody, clone 1B9C23780
ChondrexCNDX-7119mouse anti-human CD63 IGG monoclonal antibody, clone 1B12E103780
ChondrexCNDX-7114mouse anti-human CD9 IGG monoclonal antibody, clone 1H1H73780
ChondrexCNDX-7039anti-human Herp antibody, clone HT23780
ChondrexCNDX-7040anti-human Herp antibody, clone HT2, biotinylated4398.48
ChondrexCNDX-7025anti-human type I collagen antibody, clone 42r4398.48
ChondrexCNDX-7026anti-human type I collagen antibody, clone 42r, biotinylated3780
ChondrexCNDX-7087anti-human type I collagen antibody, clone 222b, biotinylated3780
ChondrexCNDX-7098mouse anti-E. coli and LPS IGG1 monoclonal antibody, clone 1C65544
ChondrexCNDX-7099mouse anti-E. coli and LPS IGG2a monoclonal antibody, clone 1E16451.02
ChondrexCNDX-7100mouse anti-E. coli and LPS IGG2b monoclonal antibody, clone 2H105544
ChondrexCNDX-7101mouse anti-E. coli and LPS IGG3 monoclonal antibody, clone 2A56451.02
ChondrexCNDX-7079anti-mouse alpha 5 [IV] NC1 antibody, clone M543780
ChondrexCNDX-7072anti-mouse alpha 6 [IV] NC1 antibody, clone M694398.48
ChondrexCNDX-7056anti-mouse NC1 of type IV collagen antibody, clone 3-1-13780
ChondrexCNDX-7057anti-mouse NC1 of type IV collagen antibody, clone 3-1-1, biotinylated3780
ChondrexCNDX-7058anti-mouse NC1 of type IV collagen antibody, clone CB2433780
ChondrexCNDX-7059anti-mouse NC1 of type IV collagen antibody, clone CB243, biotinylated3780
ChondrexCNDX-7123mouse anti-PD-1 IGG monoclonal antibody, clone 2H2H114398.48
ChondrexCNDX-7124mouse anti-Ro60 IGG1 monoclonal antibody, clone 1G6B43780
ChondrexCNDX-7125mouse anti-Ro60 IGG2b monoclonal antibody, clone 2D6E124398.48
ChondrexCNDX-7122mouse anti-PD-L1 IGG monoclonal antibody, clone 3A9F123780
ChondrexCNDX-7041anti-mouse type I collagen antibody, clone 8D4A14398.48
ChondrexCNDX-7042anti-mouse type I collagen antibody, clone 8D4A1, biotinylated4398.48
ChondrexCNDX-7045anti-mouse type I collagen antibody, clone 7G5D24398.48
ChondrexCNDX-7046anti-mouse type I collagen antibody, clone 7G5D2, biotinylated3780
ChondrexCNDX-7090mouse anti-ovalbumin IGA monoclonal antibody, clone 2G12E124398.48
ChondrexCNDX-7095mouse anti-ovalbumin IGG2a monoclonal antibody, clone M12E4D53780
ChondrexCNDX-7097mouse anti-ovalbumin IGM monoclonal antibody, clone 2H11A83780
ChondrexCNDX-7109mouse anti-ovalbumin IGG2c monoclonal antibody, clone 3E3A93780
ChondrexCNDX-7096mouse anti-ovalbumin IGG2b monoclonal antibody, clone 4B4E64398.48
ChondrexCNDX-7092mouse anti-ovalbumin IGE monoclonal antibody, clone E-G54398.48
ChondrexCNDX-7093mouse anti-ovalbumin IGG1 monoclonal antibody, clone L713780
ChondrexCNDX-7091mouse anti-ovalbumin IGE monoclonal antibody, clone E-C14158
ChondrexCNDX-7094mouse anti-ovalbumin IGG1 monoclonal antibody, clone 23223780
ChondrexCNDX-7060anti-rat alpha 4 [IV] NC1 antibody, clone a843780
ChondrexCNDX-7061anti-rat alpha 4 [IV] NC1 antibody, clone a84, biotinylated3780
ChondrexCNDX-7062anti-rat alpha 4 [IV] NC1 antibody, clone b353780
ChondrexCNDX-7063anti-rat alpha 4 [IV] NC1 antibody, clone b35, biotinylated3780
ChondrexCNDX-7043anti-rat type I collagen antibody, clone 1F10C23780
ChondrexCNDX-7044anti-rat type I collagen antibody, clone 1F10C2, biotinylated3780
ChondrexCNDX-7066anti-rat type I collagen antibody, clone 2H12B43780
ChondrexCNDX-7067anti-rat type I collagen antibody, clone 2H12B4, biotinylated3780
ChondrexCNDX-7106mouse anti-SEA IGG1 monoclonal antibody, clone 6B5F25544
ChondrexCNDX-7107mouse anti-SEA IGG2a monoclonal antibody, clone 2E11F75544
ChondrexCNDX-7108mouse anti-SEA IGG2b monoclonal antibody, clone 1E10G126451.02
ChondrexCNDX-7102mouse anti-E. coli and LPS IGM monoclonal antibody, clone 3H115544
ChondrexCNDX-7103mouse anti-SEB IGG1 monoclonal antibody, clone 2D1G105544
ChondrexCNDX-7104mouse anti-SEB IGG2a monoclonal antibody, clone 1B10A65544
ChondrexCNDX-7105mouse anti-SEB IGG2b monoclonal antibody, clone 5D12C95544
ChondrexCNDX-7005anti-type II collagen [CB11] antibody cocktail [A2-10, D1-2G, D8-6,   F10-21]3780
ChondrexCNDX-7006anti-type II collagen [CB11] antibody cocktail [A2-10, D1-2G, D8-6,   F10-21], biotinylated4398.48
ChondrexCNDX-7048anti-type II collagen [CB11] antibody, clone 353780
ChondrexCNDX-7049anti-type II collagen [CB11] antibody, clone 353780
ChondrexCNDX-7050anti-type II collagen [CB11] antibody, clone A2-104398.48
ChondrexCNDX-7051anti-type II collagen [CB11] antibody, clone A2-10, biotinylated3780
ChondrexCNDX-7052anti-type II collagen [CB11] antibody, clone D1-2G3780
ChondrexCNDX-7053anti-type II collagen [CB11] antibody, clone D1-2G, biotinylated3780
ChondrexCNDX-7054anti-type II collagen [CB11] antibody, clone K4-5C3780
ChondrexCNDX-7055anti-type II collagen [CB11] antibody, clone K4-5C, biotinylated4398.48
ChondrexCNDX-7065anti-type II collagen [CB8] antibody, clone 5A4B114398.48
ChondrexCNDX-70651anti-type II collagen [CB8] antibody, clone 5A4B11, biotinylated4398.48
ChondrexCNDX-7018anti-type IX collagen antibody cocktail [D1-9, B3-1]3780
ChondrexCNDX-7019anti-type IX collagen antibody cocktail [D1-9, B3-1], biotinylated3780
ChondrexCNDX-3006mouse anti OVA monoclonal IGE antibody E-C1, lyophilized12960
ChondrexCNDX-3007mouse anti Ova monoclonal IGE antibogy E-G5, lyophilized7110
ChondrexCNDX-3008mouse anti OVA monoclonal IGG1 antibogy L71, lyophilized7110
ChondrexCNDX-70201nephritogenic monoclonal antibody, clone 11413090.5
ChondrexCNDX-70205nephritogenic monoclonal antibody, clone 11450220
ChondrexCNDX-70211nephritogenic monoclonal antibody, clone a8413174.2
ChondrexCNDX-70215nephritogenic monoclonal antibody, clone a8458064.4
ChondrexCNDX-3009IGE dilution buffer1566
ChondrexCNDX-4015dextran Sulfate Sodium for colitis5655.06
ChondrexCNDX-70221nephritogenic monoclonal antibody, clone b3511322
ChondrexCNDX-70225nephritogenic monoclonal antibody, clone b3550220
ChondrexCNDX-6020Pepsin, lyophilized2556
ChondrexCNDX-53010arthrogen-CIA 5-clone cocktail kit11322
ChondrexCNDX-53040arthrogen-CIA 5-clone cocktail kit40140
ChondrexCNDX-6108biotinylated Lipopolysaccharide from E. coli O111:B4, lyophilized1908
ChondrexCNDX-7001complete freund's adjuvant2471.4
ChondrexCNDX-53100arthrogen-CIA 5-clone cocktail kit94860
ChondrexCNDX-7002Incomplete freund's adjuvant1710
ChondrexCNDX-7008complete freund's adjuvant1764
ChondrexCNDX-7009complete freund's adjuvant1836
ChondrexCNDX-7015complete freund's adjuvant1908
ChondrexCNDX-7023complete freund's adjuvant2806.56
ChondrexCNDX-7024complete freund's adjuvant4356
ChondrexCNDX-7027complete freund's adjuvant2916
ChondrexCNDX-9028Lipopolysaccharide from E. coli 0111:B41980
ChondrexCNDX-90401rat Urinary protein assay Standard2070
ChondrexCNDX-90626Concentrating solution for Sirius red total collagen detection kit1422
ChondrexCNDX-9065muramyl di peptide, MDP, 2 mg2701.8
ChondrexCNDX-9066buffered Normal goat serum2701.8
ChondrexCNDX-9067Normal goat serum1692
ChondrexCNDX-9068chonblock blocking/sample dilution ELISA buffer1980
ChondrexCNDX-90681chonblock detection antibody dilution buffer1980
ChondrexCNDX-9069Pchonblock werstern blot buffer 1 [PBS]3120.84
ChondrexCNDX-9069Tchonblock werstern blot buffer 1 [TBS]2682
ChondrexCNDX-90691Pchonblock werstern blot buffer 2 for goat [PBS]1962
ChondrexCNDX-90691Tchonblock werstern blot buffer 2 for goat [TBS]1962
ChondrexCNDX-90692Pchonblock werstern blot buffer 2 for rabbit [PBS]1962
ChondrexCNDX-90692Tchonblock werstern blot buffer 2 for rabbit [TBS]1962
ChondrexCNDX-1001ELISA grade chick type I collagen2484
ChondrexCNDX-1002ELISA grade bovine type I collagen2484
ChondrexCNDX-1003ELISA grade porcine type I collagen2484
ChondrexCNDX-1004ELISA grade rat type I collagen2862
ChondrexCNDX-1005ELISA grade human type I collagen5220
ChondrexCNDX-1006ELISA grade mouse type I collagen2862
ChondrexCNDX-1051T-cell grade chick type I collagen, lyophilized2430
ChondrexCNDX-1052T-cell grade bovine type I collagen, lyophilized2430
ChondrexCNDX-1053T-cell grade porcine type I collagen, lyophilized2430
ChondrexCNDX-1054T-cell grade rat type I collagen, lyophilized2808
ChondrexCNDX-1055T-cell grade human type I collagen, lyophilized5112
ChondrexCNDX-1056T-cell grade mouse type I collagen, lyophilized3267.36
ChondrexCNDX-1061immunization grade chick type I collagen, lyophilized3602.52
ChondrexCNDX-1062immunization grade bovine type I collagen, lyophilized3096
ChondrexCNDX-1063immunization grade porcine type I collagen, lyophilized3096
ChondrexCNDX-1064immunization grade rat type I collagen, lyophilized3870
ChondrexCNDX-1065immunization grade human type I collagen, lyophilized5238
ChondrexCNDX-1066immunization grade mouse type I collagen, lyophilized4503.06
ChondrexCNDX-1067immunization grade rabbit type I collagen, lyophilized2196
ChondrexCNDX-1071immunization grade chick type IX collagen, lyophilized5508
ChondrexCNDX-1072immunization grade bovine type IX collagen, lyophilized6409.08
ChondrexCNDX-1073immunization grade porcine type IX collagen, lyophilized6409.08
ChondrexCNDX-1081immunization grade chick type XI collagen, lyophilized4752
ChondrexCNDX-1082immunization grade bovine type XI collagen, lyophilized5529.42
ChondrexCNDX-1011mouse anti-chick type I collagen IGG antibody assay kit, OPD7488
ChondrexCNDX-1083immunization grade porcine type XI collagen, lyophilized5529.42
ChondrexCNDX-1085immunization grade human type XI collagen, lyophilized6744.24
ChondrexCNDX-1011Tmouse anti-chick type I collagen IGG antibody assay kit, TMB7488
ChondrexCNDX-1092immunization grade bovine amnion type V collagen, lyophilized5184
ChondrexCNDX-1012mouse anti-bovine type I collagen IGG antibody assay kit, OPD7488
ChondrexCNDX-1095immunization grade human amnion type V collagen, lyophilized6576.66
ChondrexCNDX-1012Tmouse anti-bovine type I collagen IGG antibody assay kit, TMB7488
ChondrexCNDX-10951immunization grade human placenta type V collagen, lyophilized6576.66
ChondrexCNDX-1013mouse anti-porcine type I collagen IGG antibody assay kit, OPD7488
ChondrexCNDX-1096immunization grade mouse type V collagen, lyophilized3204
ChondrexCNDX-1013Tmouse anti-porcine type I collagen IGG antibody assay kit, TMB8713.08
ChondrexCNDX-1102NC1 fragment of bovine BGM type IV collagen, lyophilized5310
ChondrexCNDX-1015mouse anti-human type I collagen IGG antibody assay kit, OPD8118
ChondrexCNDX-1104NC1 fragment of mouse renal type IV collagen, lyophilized5616
ChondrexCNDX-1015Tmouse anti-human type I collagen IGG antibody assay kit, TMB9446.04
ChondrexCNDX-1106NC1 fragment of rat renal type IV collagen, lyophilized6534.72
ChondrexCNDX-1016mouse anti-mouse type I collagen IGG antibody assay kit, OPD8713.08
ChondrexCNDX-1202cell culture grade bovine type I collagen2736
ChondrexCNDX-1016Tmouse anti-mouse type I collagen IGG antibody assay kit, TMB7488
ChondrexCNDX-1203cell culture grade porcine type I collagen2736
ChondrexCNDX-1021rat anti-chick type I collagen IGG antibody assay kit, OPD7488
ChondrexCNDX-1303immunization grade porcine type III collagen, lyophilized3602.52
ChondrexCNDX-1021Trat anti-chick type I collagen IGG antibody assay kit, TMB8713.08
ChondrexCNDX-1305immunization grade human type III collagen, lyophilized5238
ChondrexCNDX-1022rat anti-bovine type I collagen IGG antibody assay kit, OPD8713.08
ChondrexCNDX-2011ELISA grade chick type II collagen4272.66
ChondrexCNDX-1022Trat anti-bovine type I collagen IGG antibody assay kit, TMB8657.64
ChondrexCNDX-2012ELISA grade bovine type II collagen3672
ChondrexCNDX-1023rat anti-porcine type I collagen IGG antibody assay kit, OPD7488
ChondrexCNDX-2013ELISA grade porcine type II collagen4272.66
ChondrexCNDX-1023Trat anti-porcine type I collagen IGG antibody assay kit, TMB7488
ChondrexCNDX-2014ELISA grade rat type II collagen4194
ChondrexCNDX-1024rat anti-rat type I collagen IGG antibody assay kit, OPD7488
ChondrexCNDX-2015ELISA grade human type II collagen6084
ChondrexCNDX-1024Trat anti-rat type I collagen IGG antibody assay kit, TMB7488
ChondrexCNDX-2016ELISA grade mouse type II collagen9383.22
ChondrexCNDX-1025rat anti-human type I collagen IGG antibody assay kit, OPD8118
ChondrexCNDX-2017ELISA grade monkey type II collagen4284
ChondrexCNDX-1025Trat anti-human type I collagen IGG antibody assay kit, TMB9446.04
ChondrexCNDX-2021T-cell grade chick type II collagen, lyophilized3672
ChondrexCNDX-2022T-cell grade bovine type II collagen, lyophilized3672
ChondrexCNDX-2023T-cell grade porcine type II collagen, lyophilized3672
ChondrexCNDX-1031human/monkey anti-chick type I collagen IGG antibody assay kit, OPD9219.6
ChondrexCNDX-1031Thuman/monkey anti-chick type I collagen IGG antibody assay kit, TMB9278.46
ChondrexCNDX-2024T-cell grade rat type II collagen, lyophilized4284
ChondrexCNDX-2025T-cell grade human type II collagen, lyophilized7079.4
ChondrexCNDX-1032human/monkey anti-bovine type I collagen IGG antibody assay kit, OPD9219.6
ChondrexCNDX-1032Thuman/monkey anti-bovine type I collagen IGG antibody assay kit, TMB7974
ChondrexCNDX-2026T-cell grade mouse type II collagen, lyophilized8064
ChondrexCNDX-2027T-cell grade monkey type II collagen, lyophilized4284
ChondrexCNDX-30211ovalbumin From chick egg white2178.18
ChondrexCNDX-1033human/monkey anti-porcine type I collagen IGG antibody assay kit, OPD7974
ChondrexCNDX-1033Thuman/monkey anti-porcine type I collagen IGG antibody assay kit, TMB9278.46
ChondrexCNDX-3022low Endotoxin ovalbumin From chick egg white3114
ChondrexCNDX-1035human/monkey anti-human type I collagen IGG antibody assay kit, OPD8550
ChondrexCNDX-3033dust mite Extract from D. pteronyssinus, lyophilized3120.84
ChondrexCNDX-4001FITC-labeled bovine type I collagen substrate4775.4
ChondrexCNDX-1035Thuman/monkey anti-human type I collagen IGG antibody assay kit, TMB9948.78
ChondrexCNDX-1041human/monkey anti-chick type I collagen IGA antibody assay kit, OPD9219.6
ChondrexCNDX-4002FITC-labeled bovine type II collagen substrate4770
ChondrexCNDX-1041Thuman/monkey anti-chick type I collagen IGA antibody assay kit, TMB7974
ChondrexCNDX-4009FITC-dextran, 40 KDa2196
ChondrexCNDX-4013FITC-dextran, 4 KDa2196
ChondrexCNDX-1042human/monkey anti-bovine type I collagen IGA antibody assay kit, OPD9278.46
ChondrexCNDX-1042Thuman/monkey anti-bovine type I collagen IGA antibody assay kit, TMB7974
ChondrexCNDX-4014TRITC-dextran, 70 KDa2610
ChondrexCNDX-1043human/monkey anti-porcine type I collagen IGA antibody assay kit, OPD9219.6
ChondrexCNDX-5001recombinant human MMP-8 [Full Length, Latent Form]5004
ChondrexCNDX-5002recombinant human MMP-13 [Truncated]5822.64
ChondrexCNDX-1043Thuman/monkey anti-porcine type I collagen IGA antibody assay kit, TMB7974
ChondrexCNDX-1045human/monkey anti-human type I collagen IGA antibody assay kit, OPD8550
ChondrexCNDX-6011Pepsin, lyophilized1386
ChondrexCNDX-9004chick CB10 peptide of type II collagen, lyophilized6911.82
ChondrexCNDX-1045Thuman/monkey anti-human type I collagen IGA antibody assay kit, TMB9885.6
ChondrexCNDX-2031mouse anti-chick type II collagen IGG antibody assay kit, OPD8922.42
ChondrexCNDX-9006human CB11 peptide of type II collagen, lyophilized6714
ChondrexCNDX-9007bovine CB11 peptide of type II collagen, lyophilized6911.82
ChondrexCNDX-2031Tmouse anti-chick type II collagen IGG antibody assay kit, TMB8922.42
ChondrexCNDX-2032mouse anti-bovine type II collagen IGG antibody assay kit, OPD7668
ChondrexCNDX-2032Tmouse anti-bovine type II collagen IGG antibody assay kit, TMB7668
ChondrexCNDX-9017chick CB9 peptide of type II collagen, lyophilized9467.1
ChondrexCNDX-9018chick CB10 peptide of type II collagen, lyophilized5472
ChondrexCNDX-2033mouse anti-porcine type II collagen IGG antibody assay kit, OPD7668
ChondrexCNDX-2033Tmouse anti-porcine type II collagen IGG antibody assay kit, TMB7668
ChondrexCNDX-9019chick CB12 peptide of type II collagen, lyophilized8136
ChondrexCNDX-9020bovine CB8 peptide of type II collagen, lyophilized8126.64
ChondrexCNDX-2035mouse anti-human type II collagen IGG antibody assay kit, OPD9634.68
ChondrexCNDX-2035Tmouse anti-human type II collagen IGG antibody assay kit, TMB8280
ChondrexCNDX-9021bovine CB10 peptide of type II collagen, lyophilized5472
ChondrexCNDX-2036mouse anti-mouse type II collagen IGG antibody assay kit, OPD9162
ChondrexCNDX-9022bovine CB12 peptide of type II collagen, lyophilized8136
ChondrexCNDX-2036Tmouse anti-mouse type II collagen IGG antibody assay kit, TMB10660.86
ChondrexCNDX-9023human CB10 peptide of type II collagen, lyophilized8126.64
ChondrexCNDX-2041rat anti-chick type II collagen IGG antibody assay kit, OPD8922.42
ChondrexCNDX-9037chick CB7 peptide of type II collagen, lyophilized7488
ChondrexCNDX-2041Trat anti-chick type II collagen IGG antibody assay kit, TMB8922.42
ChondrexCNDX-9047human CB8 peptide of type II collagen, lyophilized8126.64
ChondrexCNDX-2042rat anti-bovine type II collagen IGG antibody assay kit, OPD7668
ChondrexCNDX-9048human CB9.7 peptide of type II collagen, lyophilized8126.64
ChondrexCNDX-2042Trat anti-bovine type II collagen IGG antibody assay kit, TMB7668
ChondrexCNDX-9049human CB12 peptide of type II collagen, lyophilized6984
ChondrexCNDX-20421Trat anti-bovine type II collagen IGG1 antibody assay kit, TMB8865.72
ChondrexCNDX-9050bovine HMGB13708
ChondrexCNDX-20431Trat anti-porcine type II collagen IGG1 antibody assay kit, TMB7668
ChondrexCNDX-9058cationic bovine serum albumin [cBSA]2848.5
ChondrexCNDX-20441Trat anti-rat type II collagen IGG1 antibody assay kit, TMB8532
ChondrexCNDX-9059bovine CB9.7 peptide of type II collagen, lyophilized7110
ChondrexCNDX-20422Trat anti-bovine type II collagen IGG2a antibody assay kit, TMB8922.42
ChondrexCNDX-20432Trat anti-porcine type II collagen IGG2a antibody assay kit, TMB7668
ChondrexCNDX-9063chick CB8 peptide of type II collagen, lyophilized8126.64
ChondrexCNDX-9070Cationic bovine serum albumin [cBSA], Lyophilized4796.28
ChondrexCNDX-2043rat anti-porcine type II collagen IGG antibody assay kit, OPD7668
ChondrexCNDX-9071Cationic ovalbumin [cOVA], Lyophilized4122
ChondrexCNDX-2043Trat anti-porcine type II collagen IGG antibody assay kit, TMB7668
ChondrexCNDX-2044rat anti-rat type II collagen IGG antibody assay kit, OPD8280
ChondrexCNDX-20011immunization grade chick type II collagen, lyophilized4984.92
ChondrexCNDX-20012immunization grade chick type II collagen4284
ChondrexCNDX-2044Trat anti-rat type II collagen IGG antibody assay kit, TMB9634.68
ChondrexCNDX-2045rat anti-human type II collagen IGG antibody assay kit, OPD9573.3
ChondrexCNDX-20021immunization grade bovine type II collagen, lyophilized4284
ChondrexCNDX-20022immunization grade bovine type II collagen4984.92
ChondrexCNDX-2045Trat anti-human type II collagen IGG antibody assay kit, TMB9573.3
ChondrexCNDX-2051human/monkey anti-chick type II collagen IGG antibody assay kit, OPD7848
ChondrexCNDX-20031immunization grade porcine type II collagen, lyophilized4284
ChondrexCNDX-20032immunization grade porcine type II collagen4984.92
ChondrexCNDX-2051Thuman/monkey anti-chick type II collagen IGG antibody assay kit, TMB9131.94
ChondrexCNDX-2052human/monkey anti-bovine type II collagen IGG antibody assay kit, OPD7848
ChondrexCNDX-20041immunization grade rat type II collagen, lyophilized5634
ChondrexCNDX-20042immunization grade rat type II collagen5634
ChondrexCNDX-2052Thuman/monkey anti-bovine type II collagen IGG antibody assay kit, TMB9131.94
ChondrexCNDX-2053human/monkey anti-porcine type II collagen IGG antibody assay kit, OPD9131.94
ChondrexCNDX-20051immunization grade human type II collagen, lyophilized5886
ChondrexCNDX-20052immunization grade human type II collagen5886
ChondrexCNDX-2053Thuman/monkey anti-porcine type II collagen IGG antibody assay kit, TMB7848
ChondrexCNDX-2055human/monkey anti-human type II collagen IGG antibody assay kit, OPD9781.2
ChondrexCNDX-20061immunization grade mouse type II collagen, lyophilized3780
ChondrexCNDX-20062immunization grade mouse type II collagen4398.48
ChondrexCNDX-2055Thuman/monkey anti-human type II collagen IGG antibody assay kit, TMB9719.1
ChondrexCNDX-2061human monkey anti-chick type II collagen IGA antibody assay kit, OPD9131.94
ChondrexCNDX-20071immunization grade goat type II collagen, lyophilized4356
ChondrexCNDX-20081immunization grade Sheep type II collagen, lyophilized4356
ChondrexCNDX-2061Thuman monkey anti-chick type II collagen IGA antibody assay kit, TMB9073.8
ChondrexCNDX-2062human monkey anti-bovine type II collagen IGA antibody assay kit, OPD9131.94
ChondrexCNDX-30047elastase from porcine Pancreas2031.66
ChondrexCNDX-2062Thuman monkey anti-bovine type II collagen IGA antibody assay kit, TMB9073.8
ChondrexCNDX-2063human monkey anti-porcine type II collagen IGA antibody assay kit, OPD9073.8
ChondrexCNDX-2063Thuman monkey anti-porcine type II collagen IGA antibody assay kit, TMB7848
ChondrexCNDX-2065human monkey anti-human type II collagen IGA antibody assay kit, OPD9885.96
ChondrexCNDX-2065Thuman monkey anti-human type II collagen IGA antibody assay kit, TMB9781.2
ChondrexCNDX-2082human anti-bovine amnion type V collagen IGG antibody assay kit, OPD9823.14
ChondrexCNDX-2082Thuman anti-bovine amnion type V collagen IGG antibody assay kit, TMB8496
ChondrexCNDX-2085human anti-human amnion type V collagen IGG antibody assay kit, OPD9885.96
ChondrexCNDX-2085Thuman anti-human amnion type V collagen IGG antibody assay kit, TMB9823.14
ChondrexCNDX-20851human anti-human placenta type V collagen IGG antibody assay kit, OPD9885.96
ChondrexCNDX-20851Thuman anti-human placenta type V collagen IGG antibody assay kit, TMB9823.14
ChondrexCNDX-3001Rapid collagenase assay kit with type I collagen substrate8640
ChondrexCNDX-3002Rapid collagenase assay kit with type II collagen substrate10613.88
ChondrexCNDX-3003MMP-13 inhibitor assay kit11519.64
ChondrexCNDX-3004mouse anti-OVA IGE antibody assay kit8713.08
ChondrexCNDX-3005mouse total IGE [IGEa and IGEb] detection kit7848
ChondrexCNDX-3010mouse serum anti-OVA IGE antibody assay kit8713.08
ChondrexCNDX-3011mouse anti-OVA IGG antibody assay kit8713.08
ChondrexCNDX-3012mouse albumin detection kit7456.32
ChondrexCNDX-3013mouse anti-OVA IGG1 antibody assay kit8713.08
ChondrexCNDX-3014Bacterial collagenase assay kit8720.1
ChondrexCNDX-3015mouse anti-OVA IGG2a antibody assay kit8713.08
ChondrexCNDX-3016mouse anti-OVA IGG2b antibody assay kit7488
ChondrexCNDX-3017mouse anti-OVA IGM antibody assay kit8657.64
ChondrexCNDX-3018mouse anti-OVA IGA antibody assay kit8713.08
ChondrexCNDX-3019mouse total IGA antibody detection kit7456.32
ChondrexCNDX-3020rat albumin detection kit7456.32
ChondrexCNDX-3023mouse total IGG antibody detection kit7456.32
ChondrexCNDX-3025mouse total IGG1 antibody detection kit6408
ChondrexCNDX-3026mouse total IGG2a antibody detection kit7456.32
ChondrexCNDX-3027mouse total IGG2b antibody detection kit6408
ChondrexCNDX-3028mouse total IGG3 antibody detection kit7408.98
ChondrexCNDX-3029mouse anti-OVA IGG2c antibody assay kit7488
ChondrexCNDX-3030mouse anti-house dust mite [HDM] IGG antibody assay kit8713.08
ChondrexCNDX-3031mouse anti-dsDNA IGG antibody assay kit7362
ChondrexCNDX-3032mouse anti-dsDNA IGM antibody assay kit7362
ChondrexCNDX-3034mouse anti-house dust mite [HDM] IGG1 antibody assay kit8713.08
ChondrexCNDX-3035mouse anti-house dust mite [HDM] IGG2b antibody assay kit7488
ChondrexCNDX-3036mouse anti-house dust mite [HDM] IGM antibody assay kit7488
ChondrexCNDX-3037mouse anti-house dust mite [HDM] IGE antibody assay kit7488
ChondrexCNDX-3039mouse anti-house dust mite [HDM] IGG3 antibody assay kit8713.08
ChondrexCNDX-3041mouse anti-ssDNA IGG antibody assay kit7362
ChondrexCNDX-3042mouse anti-ssDNA IGM antibody assay kit7362
ChondrexCNDX-6010HMGB1 detection kit9576
ChondrexCNDX-6012mouse type I collagen detection kit9739.8
ChondrexCNDX-6013rat type I collagen detection kit9739.8
ChondrexCNDX-6014bovine type I collagen detection kit9927.18
ChondrexCNDX-6015porcine type I collagen detection kit9802.08
ChondrexCNDX-6016rabbit type I collagen detection kit9739.8
ChondrexCNDX-6017hydroxyproline assay kit8859.6
ChondrexCNDX-6018type II collagen detection kit, multi-Species9802.08
ChondrexCNDX-6019canine type I collagen detection kit8424
ChondrexCNDX-6021human type I collagen detection kit10946.88
ChondrexCNDX-6022glycosaminoglycans assay kit6597.54
ChondrexCNDX-6023DNA assay kit3392.28
ChondrexCNDX-6024hemoglobin assay kit3392.28
ChondrexCNDX-6026bromophenol Blue [BPB] protein assay kit2934
ChondrexCNDX-6027canine CRP detection assay kit7200
ChondrexCNDX-6028feline SAA detection ELISA assay kit7200
ChondrexCNDX-6029SEA detection kit8377.92
ChondrexCNDX-6030SEB detection kit8419.86
ChondrexCNDX-6031HDM [Der p 10] detection assay kit8377.92
ChondrexCNDX-6032OVA detection ELISA8324.64
ChondrexCNDX-6033type I collagen C-telopeptide [CTX-I] assay kit8377.92
ChondrexCNDX-6106mouse anti-LPS IGG antibody assay kit7200
ChondrexCNDX-6107mouse anti-LPS IGG1 antibody assay kit7200
ChondrexCNDX-6110mouse anti-LPS IGG2a antibody assay kit7200
ChondrexCNDX-6111mouse anti-LPS IGG2b antibody assay kit7200
ChondrexCNDX-6112mouse anti-LPS IGG3 antibody assay kit8377.92
ChondrexCNDX-6206mouse anti-E. coli IGG antibody assay kit7603.02
ChondrexCNDX-6207mouse anti-E. coli IGG1 antibody assay kit7002
ChondrexCNDX-6209mouse anti-E. coli IGM antibody assay kit8377.92
ChondrexCNDX-6210mouse anti-E. coli IGG2a antibody assay kit8324.64
ChondrexCNDX-6211mouse anti-E. coli IGG2b antibody assay kit8324.64
ChondrexCNDX-6212mouse anti-E. coli IGG3 antibody assay kit8377.92
ChondrexCNDX-6214mouse anti-SEB IGG antibody assay kit8377.92
ChondrexCNDX-6215mouse anti-SEB IGG1 antibody assay kit7200
ChondrexCNDX-6216mouse anti-SEB IGG2a antibody assay kit7200
ChondrexCNDX-6217mouse anti-SEB IGG2b antibody assay kit8377.92
ChondrexCNDX-6218mouse anti-SEA IGG antibody assay kit7200
ChondrexCNDX-6219mouse anti-SEA IGG1 antibody assay kit8377.92
ChondrexCNDX-6220mouse anti-SEA IGG2a antibody assay kit7200
ChondrexCNDX-6221mouse anti-SEA IGG2b antibody assay kit7200
ChondrexCNDX-6601D-Xylose assay kit4557.78
ChondrexCNDX-6701mouse tumor necrosis factor alpha [TNF-alpha] detection assay kit7408.98
ChondrexCNDX-6702mouse interleukin-6 [IL-6] detection assay kit7408.98
ChondrexCNDX-6703mouse interleukin-4 [IL-4] detection assay kit7408.98
ChondrexCNDX-6705mouse interleukin-1beta [IL-1beta] detection assay kit7408.98
ChondrexCNDX-6706mouse interleukin-10 [IL-10] detection assay kit6408
ChondrexCNDX-6708mouse interleukin-17 [IL-17] detection assay kit7408.98
ChondrexCNDX-6709mouse transforming growth factor-beta 1 [TGF-beta 1] detection assay kit7408.98
ChondrexCNDX-6710mouse vascular Endothelial growth factor detection assay kit7408.98
ChondrexCNDX-6711mouse interleukin-2 [IL-2] detection assay kits7408.98
ChondrexCNDX-6801human tumor necrosis factor alpha [TNF-alpha] detection assay kit6408
ChondrexCNDX-6802human interleukin 6 [IL-6] detection assay kit6408
ChondrexCNDX-6803human interleukin 4 [IL-4] detection assay kit6408
ChondrexCNDX-6805human interleukin 1b [IL-1b] detection assay kit6408
ChondrexCNDX-6806human interleukin-10 [IL-10] detection assay kit6408
ChondrexCNDX-6808human interleukin 17 [IL-17] detection assay kit6408
ChondrexCNDX-6809human transforming growth factor-Beta [TGF-Beta] detection assay kit7456.32
ChondrexCNDX-6810human vascular Endothelial growth factor [VEGF] detection assay kit7408.98
ChondrexCNDX-6811human interleukin-2 [IL-2] Detecton assay kit7456.32
ChondrexCNDX-6901rat tumor necrosis factor alpha [TNF-alpha] detection assay kit7456.32
ChondrexCNDX-9001type II collagen staining kit, multi-Species5494.32
ChondrexCNDX-9012type IX collagen staining kit, multi-Species5529.42
ChondrexCNDX-9040rat Urinary protein assay kit3414.06
ChondrexCNDX-9044human type I collagen staining kit4752
ChondrexCNDX-9046Sirius red/Fast Green collagen staining kit2743.74
ChondrexCNDX-9062Sirius red total collagen detection kit3132
ChondrexCNDX-20311mouse anti-chick type II collagen IGG1 subtype antibody assay kit, OPD9194.76
ChondrexCNDX-20311Tmouse anti-chick type II collagen IGG1 subtype antibody assay kit, TMB7902
ChondrexCNDX-20321mouse anti-bovine type II collagen IGG1 subtype antibody assay kit, OPD9194.76
ChondrexCNDX-20321Tmouse anti-bovine type II collagen IGG1 subtype antibody assay kit, TMB9194.76
ChondrexCNDX-20331mouse anti-porcine type II collagen IGG1 subtype antibody assay kit, OPD9194.76
ChondrexCNDX-20331Tmouse anti-porcine type II collagen IGG1 subtype antibody assay kit, TMB7902
ChondrexCNDX-20351mouse anti-human type II collagen IGG1 subtype antibody assay kit, OPD8406
ChondrexCNDX-20351Tmouse anti-human type II collagen IGG1 subtype antibody assay kit, TMB8406
ChondrexCNDX-20361mouse anti-mouse type II collagen IGG1 subtype antibody assay kit, OPD9234
ChondrexCNDX-20361Tmouse anti-mouse type II collagen IGG1 subtype antibody assay kit, TMB9234
ChondrexCNDX-20312mouse anti-chick type II collagen IGG2a subtype antibody assay kit, OPD9194.76
ChondrexCNDX-20312Tmouse anti-chick type II collagen IGG2a subtype antibody assay kit, TMB9194.76
ChondrexCNDX-20322mouse anti-bovine type II collagen IGG2a subtype antibody assay kit, OPD7902
ChondrexCNDX-20322Tmouse anti-bovine type II collagen IGG2a subtype antibody assay kit, TMB9194.76
ChondrexCNDX-20332mouse anti-porcine type II collagen IGG2a subtype antibody assay kit, OPD7902
ChondrexCNDX-20332Tmouse anti-porcine type II collagen IGG2a subtype antibody assay kit, TMB7902
ChondrexCNDX-20352mouse anti-human type II collagen IGG2a subtype antibody assay kit, OPD9781.2
ChondrexCNDX-20352Tmouse anti-human type II collagen IGG2a subtype antibody assay kit, TMB9781.2
ChondrexCNDX-20362mouse anti-mouse type II collagen IGG2a subtype antibody assay kit, OPD10744.74
ChondrexCNDX-20362Tmouse anti-mouse type II collagen IGG2a subtype antibody assay kit, TMB9234
ChondrexCNDX-20313mouse anti-chick type II collagen IGG2b subtype antibody assay kit, OPD7902
ChondrexCNDX-20313Tmouse anti-chick type II collagen IGG2b subtype antibody assay kit, TMB9194.76
ChondrexCNDX-20323mouse anti-bovine type II collagen IGG2b subtype antibody assay kit, OPD7902
ChondrexCNDX-20323Tmouse anti-bovine type II collagen IGG2b subtype antibody assay kit, TMB9194.76
ChondrexCNDX-20333mouse anti-porcine type II collagen IGG2b subtype antibody assay kit, OPD7902
ChondrexCNDX-20333Tmouse anti-porcine type II collagen IGG2b subtype antibody assay kit, TMB9194.76
ChondrexCNDX-20353mouse anti-human type II collagen IGG2b subtype antibody assay kit, OPD8406
ChondrexCNDX-20353Tmouse anti-human type II collagen IGG2b subtype antibody assay kit, TMB8406
ChondrexCNDX-20363mouse anti-mouse type II collagen IGG2b subtype antibody assay kit, OPD10744.74
ChondrexCNDX-20363Tmouse anti-mouse type II collagen IGG2b subtype antibody assay kit, TMB10744.74
ChondrexCNDX-20315mouse anti-chick type II collagen IGG2c subtype antibody assay kit, OPD7902
ChondrexCNDX-20315Tmouse anti-chick type II collagen IGG2c subtype antibody assay kit, TMB7902
ChondrexCNDX-20325mouse anti-bovine type II collagen IGG2c subtype antibody assay kit, OPD7902
ChondrexCNDX-20325Tmouse anti-bovine type II collagen IGG2c subtype antibody assay kit, TMB9194.76
ChondrexCNDX-20335mouse anti-porcine type II collagen IGG2c subtype antibody assay kit, OPD7902
ChondrexCNDX-20335Tmouse anti-porcine type II collagen IGG2c subtype antibody assay kit, TMB7902
ChondrexCNDX-20355mouse anti-human type II collagen IGG2c subtype antibody assay kit, OPD9781.2
ChondrexCNDX-20355Tmouse anti-human type II collagen IGG2c subtype antibody assay kit, TMB8406
ChondrexCNDX-20365mouse anti-mouse type II collagen IGG2c subtype antibody assay kit, OPD9234
ChondrexCNDX-20365Tmouse anti-mouse type II collagen IGG2c subtype antibody assay kit, TMB9234
ChondrexCNDX-20314mouse anti-chick type II collagen IGG3 subtype antibody assay kit, OPD9194.76
ChondrexCNDX-20314Tmouse anti-chick type II collagen IGG3 subtype antibody assay kit, TMB9194.76
ChondrexCNDX-20324mouse anti-bovine type II collagen IGG3 subtype antibody assay kit, OPD7902
ChondrexCNDX-20324Tmouse anti-bovine type II collagen IGG3 subtype antibody assay kit, TMB7902
ChondrexCNDX-20334mouse anti-porcine type II collagen IGG3 subtype antibody assay kit, OPD7902
ChondrexCNDX-20334Tmouse anti-porcine type II collagen IGG3 subtype antibody assay kit, TMB7902
ChondrexCNDX-20354mouse anti-human type II collagen IGG3 subtype antibody assay kit, OPD8406
ChondrexCNDX-20354Tmouse anti-human type II collagen IGG3 subtype antibody assay kit, TMB9781.2
ChondrexCNDX-20364mouse anti-mouse type II collagen IGG3 subtype antibody assay kit, OPD9234
ChondrexCNDX-20364Tmouse anti-mouse type II collagen IGG3 subtype antibody assay kit, TMB10744.74


  • 聯(lián)系人:賴秀麗
  • 地址:無錫市惠山區(qū)惠山大道1699號惠山生命科技園C區(qū)5棟5315室
  • 郵箱:46606436@qq.com
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